Hi there,

I'm looking through the pkgtools code to determine how the version comparison 
logic works, and I came across this block of code at 

sub from_string
        my ($class, $string) = @_;
        my $o = bless { deweys => [ split(/\./o, $string) ],
                suffix => '', suffix_value => 0}, $class;
        if ($o->{deweys}->[-1] =~ m/^(\d+)(rc|alpha|beta|pre|pl)(\d*)$/) {
                $o->{deweys}->[-1] = $1;
                $o->{suffix} = $2;
                $o->{suffix_value} = $3;
        return $o;      

>From what I understand, this is looking for one of OpenBSD "special" suffixes 
>for a given version part of a package version. This code seems to only match 
>cases where the "special" portion (rc, alpha, beta etc) of the version sits 
>between a required decimal on the left and an optional decimal on the right. 
>Looking through the current package listing, I found this one:


Given the above regex, the rc1 portion of the package name will not be pulled 
into the suffix, and I believe that (given a comparison where the 1.4.0 portion 
of the version doesn't change) a future version comparison with this package 
version will potentially be done alphabetically?

Is this intentional? Or perhaps I'm missing something here or elsewhere with 
this code.

Thank you,

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