On 07/01/2021 1:30 p.m., Christian Weisgerber wrote:
Steve Williams:

I hesitate to send this because perhaps I'm just too impatient, but then
again, perhaps not.  This is not critical/time sensitive.

I just thought I'd check if there a problem with the current packages folder
from the mirrors?
No, the amd64 package builds have been slightly delayed.  First by
a problem in lang/rust, which semarie@ fixed in admirably short
time.  Then the package build was cut short because the machine
running dpb(1) panicked with filesystem corruption.

A new build is running now and will take another 24h to complete
if all goes well.


Thanks for the update!

Ah, the joys of big builds!  I remember being in CPSC in University in the early 1980's and doing ray tracing.  We did a 20 second movie @ 24 frames per second (16 mm film!!!).

Each frame took at least 5 minutes to render on "leading edge" (at the time) SGI hardware.  We would start it Friday night and it would complete before classes on Monday AM.  We had to hold our breath that nothing would go wrong over the weekend or that someone wouldn't start playing flight simulator on the network with the other 2 workstations!  lol

Good luck with everything!  It's an amazing job you are doing keeping all the balls in the air at once (juggling).

Steve W.

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