On Mon, Jan 18, 2021 at 10:16:53AM +0100, Peter J. Philipp wrote:
> Hi,
> I recently switched my desktop workstation to a raspberry pi 4B with 8 GB RAM.
> Since the sound there doesn't work yet, I got a USB sound card, the make of
> the sound card is best read from usbdevs -v:
> addr 08: 0ccd:00b1 TerraTec Electronic GmbH, Aureon 7.1 USB
>          full speed, power 500 mA, config 1, rev 0.10
>          driver: uaudio0
>          driver: ugen0
> Like the other AUREON card in the usb drivers I put this in usb quirks to not
> attach as a uhiddev (not sure if that was the right thing to do?).
> Now to my real question:  mplayer sounds horrible, but iridium sound from 
> youtube sounds OK.  There is a lot of static interference when I play with
> mplayer.  So what is it doing different than iridium?  I tried messing with
> audioctl buffer sizes and nblocks but I don't really know what I'm doing here,
> so I'm writing to the list.  The sound did not improve when I messed with the
> buffers.

Everything looks OK in dmesg. Try to run sndiod in the foreground, ex:

doas sndiod -ddd -a on

and see what happens while mplayer sounds bad. Without stopping
mplayer, run audioctl multiple times and see if play.errors or
record.errors counters increase continuously.

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