On Tue, Feb 02, 2021 at 01:30:28PM +0100, misc nick wrote:
| Hello
| I have a separate disk that i was mounting as a nfs partition. That disk 
crashed (it was very old). Now that OpenBSD 6.7/i386 release system cannot boot 
because it can't mount the disk.
| Is it possible to umount the partition or somehow skip mounting it at boot 
time and continue booting from the disk that contains the OS?

Before loading the OpenBSD kernel, at the bootloader type `boot -s`.
This boots the system in single user mode.  Now you can manually mount
the root filesystem (`mount -u -w /`), and you can then fix your
/etc/fstab to exclude the broken disk.

Note that in single user mode, many userland tools are not available
if /usr is on a separate partition (which is a sane default).  You'll
have to fix /etc/fstab with tools like cat and ed, or mount /usr.

Once things are fixed, unmount everything that you manually mounted,
and remount the root filesystem read-only again (`mount -u -r /`).
Then exit the single user shell, the system should continue booting
from there.


Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd


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