
over cable/lan everything is fine.
On my router (OpenWRT) I detected a speed/bandwidth drop from 72 Mbit/s down to 6 Mbit/s when I start the copy over wireless. That's strange, because under Linux I don't see this issue.
Lesson learned: use the cable :)

Best regards,

On 2/2/21 11:04 PM, Sven Wolf wrote:

on my x230 the rsync over ssh speed is extremly slow - about 700 kB/s over wireless. I don't see a performance issue on the source and target systems. When I reboot to Linux the speed is acceptable - about 12 mB/s over wireless.
The compression an ciphers parameters don't have impact to the speed.

Interesting is that under OpenBSD in debug mode the lines get printed slowly.
692.05kB/s    0:17:16  debug2: channel 0: rcvd adjust 32768

Under Linux the debug lines scroll really fast over the screen
debug2: channel 0: rcvd adjust 114688

Do you have any ideas how I can solve the problem?
ulimit, openfiles limit etc. don't show any problems.

Thanks and best regards,

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