On 2/1/21 8:20 PM, Kapetanakis Giannis wrote:
> On 02/02/2021 05:18, Jordan Geoghegan wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I had a question about using relayd with pfsync.
>> I have a small gateway/load-balancer set up with relayd, carp and pfsync 
>> plus BGPd for IP failover, and everything is working great. I was pleasantly 
>> surprised at how easy it was to get pfsync tunnelled over wireguard. Things 
>> failover perfectly, and I'm happy as a clam.
>> I however do have a question about some pfsync/relayd details that I'm not 
>> fully clear on:
>> With all the plumbing being done with relayd and all the associated 
>> TCP/TLS/HTTP(s) checks it's doing, it ends up setting up and tearing down a 
>> decent number of connections on a recurring basis. I know in PF you can use 
>> the "no-sync" keyword to prevent states created by certain rules from being 
>> synced across the wire, but I haven't found a way to do this with 
>> rules/states generated by relayd.
>> It's probably largely irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, but I found 
>> it slightly irritating having hundreds or thousands of state table entries 
>> experiencing constant churn while being synced over the wire. Having the 
>> noise from the relayd connectivity checks syncing back and forth makes using 
>> tcpdump on a pfsync interface much less convenient. All these state table 
>> entries will never be used should the machine fail-over, as all the 
>> connectivity checks are initiated from the local IP address, rather that the 
>> CARP address.
>> So I guess what I'm trying to ask is: Is there a way to have relayd not sync 
>> it's TCP/TLS/etc connectivity checks via pfsync?
>> I was hoping to get a sanity check here so I can confirm weather or not I'm 
>> totally off base here.
>> I currently have "keep state (no-sync)" peppered throughout my config for 
>> rules I want excluded from pfsync, as the pf config is quite simple. Maybe 
>> I'm missing something obvious, but is there a "sync" option? ie the ability 
>> to manually specify exactly which rules/states you want synced?
>> Would some sort of rule like "pass out on $int_if proto tcp to any user 
>> _relayd keep state (no-sync)" do what I want, or would that also catch the 
>> traffic I'm trying to load balance as well?
>> Any insight or advice would be much appreciated.
>> P.S  Sorry for the wall of text
>> Regards,
>> Jordan
> Hi,
> As you said, you can use the no-sync.
> Relayd checks don't create any pf rules. Only the listen creates rules
> pfctl -sr -a'relayd/ldap'
> pass in quick on rdomain 0 inet proto tcp from any to x.x.x.x port = 636 
> flags S/SA keep state (tcp.established 4200) tag RELAYD_ldap rdr-to <ldap> 
> port 1636 least-states sticky-address
> local checks from LB to hosts can have the no-sync.
> I have these in my config
> # checks from LB
> pass out quick on $ldap_if proto tcp from ($ldap_if) to ($ldap_if:network) 
> port {1389, 1636} keep state (no-sync)
> Maybe you have another rule (out on $ldap_if) before, that allows the traffic?
> I handle incoming traffic (to LB) with pftag on relayd.conf and I 
> specifically allow them on out direction.
> # client rules
> pass out quick on $ldap_if tagged RELAYD_ldap keep state (tcp.established 
> 4200)
> G


Thanks for the sanity check, I've got everything working as expected now!

I need to learn to step away from the keyboard when I'm getting tired and 
frustrated. The answer seems obvious in retrospect, but at least its figured 
out now.



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