I've disabled my VPN on the machine as well as dhclient, connecting via a fixed static IP address and DNS servers. My routing table is still being modifed by PID 0 (which I assume to be the kernel) every 30 minutes or so. Ntpd is also disabled.

I have also caught my machine communicating to one the of the IPs via TCP and have a pcap dump from wireshark. No actual data was sent other than a TCP timestamp.

If your default route is a VPN,
please show how you establish the VPN to be your default route.

The default route is established mannually in a script that is run after the VPN starts. Essentially it does the following:

    route add $VPN_HOST $DEFAULT_GW

    route change default $VPN_HOST

I do not belive the VPN to be the cause of this problem.

Any tips on debugging the kernel to track the cause of these route changes would be greatly appreciated.


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