On 10/2/21 7:49 pm, Greg Thomas wrote:
> Does anyone have examples of  steganography in monochrome laser
> printers?
  ^^^^^^^^                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


Second hit is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machine_Identification_Code
which doesn't say specifically that mono printers _do_ implement such
stenography, but doesn't rule it out either and hypothesises a few
methods by which it could be done.

Colour printers doing this is a no-brainer, because authorities want to
be able to trace the source of counterfeit documents such as bank notes,

Not all "protected" documents need colour to be counterfeited though,
and so I think we can safely assume that mono printers also do the same

Question is, are you printing sensitive material that often that using
such a printer poses an unacceptable risk?

You can lose sleep over the fact that most computer print-outs are
traceable, you can set out to design an "untraceable" printer, or you
can accept that there are many pieces of paper flying around the planet,
too many for law enforcement to sit and scrutinise each and every one.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...
  ...it's backed up on a tape somewhere.

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