On Fri, Mar 03, 2006 at 12:51:31PM -0300, Gustavo Rios wrote:
> Hey folks,
> i have an sun workstation in hand and had never had a previous
> experience with sun hardare before. I would like redirect console to
> serial port. These machine are very old, and hardware documentation
> has been lost. It has a serial port, doesn't it?
already covered by someone else, though I'll put in a plug for 

> I was trying to get X working, but no lucky. Does anybody have openbsd
> 3.8 running on such hardware? Could you send your xorg.conf file?

Read /usr/X11R6/README on your installed system.

Take the sample xorg.conf file as a starting point, BUT DON'T EXPECT IT

Now, edit it as indicated by the rest of the README file for your
particular system.  You will be looking at your dmesg several times.  It
should be pretty straight forwardr, but you WILL NOT be able to just use
the sample config.  (well, I can't say that's true on everything, there
may be some system where the sample config Just Works, but the U5 is not
it.  Not sure about the U1.  Just treat the sample as a starting point,
a framework where you hang your system's details).


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