i noticed the newbie-q earlier and am not sure the full-thread,
but the comment below is the "correct" answer for most cases:
ie - look in /etc/examples if the config-file-you-need isnt there yet...

the reason i am chiming in is because i wrote a "crude" script
that i will enclose below - because i found myself often having
the problem that i would make-a-change to /etc/doas.conf and
the lock-myself-out because of user-error...  so...

enclosed is a videos.sh script - like you would use for vipw...

hth, h.

> You'll find plenty of examples in the directory "/etc/examples".  It
> also helps that many (all?) programs written for the OpenBSD project are
> able to check the syntax of their own configuration files while printing
> any errors to standard output, including doas.

# hjf latest mod: 2020-04-04 @ 09:30 PDT
## vidoas.sh
## this is a basic copy/update from eradman at
## http://eradman.com/posts/ut-shell-scripts.html
## PATTERN singleton try/assert()
## GOAL try to create a vidoas pgm like visudo...
## ASSUMPTIONS interactive edits, allowing re-edits post-run, ...
export DOASFILE="/etc/doas.conf"
export TTY=`tty`
export USR=`whoami`
export VIDOAS=`basename $0`
export END_STRING="$VIDOAS: succeeded."
export TEST01=" doas-pw for initial copy..."
export TEST02=" edit of doas-file..."
export TEST03=" permissions of valid doas-file..."
export TEST04=" doas-pw for final replacement... "
export DEBUG_STRING=" \
1. incorrect $TEST01 \n \
2. incorrect $TEST02 \n \
3. incorrect $TEST03 \n \
4. incorrect $TEST04 \n"
export TESTING_STRING="Currently 4 possible tests: \n$DEBUG_STRING "
export DODEBUG=1
export DONORMAL=1
export START_STRING="$VIDOAS: MUST supply password before AND after edits...
export XPLAINING_STRING="Password is normally required twice... \n \
due to checks at Steps 1. and 4. from .... \n$DEBUG_STRING"
function setup {
export LAUNCH_CMDS=`mktemp`
export PERMIT_FILE=`mktemp`
echo "permit $USR" > $PERMIT_FILE
export VI_FILE=`mktemp`
} ; setup ; # call self-setup...`
function teardown {
rm -f $VI_FILE
typeset -i test_runs=0
function try { this="$1"; }
trap 'printf "$0: exit code $? on line $LINENO\nFAIL: $this\n"; exit 1' ERR
function assert {
let tests_run+=1
[ "$1" = "$2" ] && { echo -n "."; return; }
printf "\nFAIL: $this\n'$1' != '$2'\n"; teardown; exit 1
# MAIN-STARTS-HERE (assuming setup;)
try "0. TESTING..."
[ "$DODEBUG" ] && { echo $TESTING_STRING; }
[ "$DONORMAL" ] && { echo $START_STRING; }
let tests_run-=20
[ "$DODEBUG" ] && { echo "permit file"; }
assert "`doas -C $PERMIT_FILE echo`" "permit"
[ "$DODEBUG" ] && { echo "vi file"; }
assert "`doas -C $VI_FILE echo`" "deny"
typeset -i test_runs=0
# let tests_run=0
[ "$DODEBUG" ] && { echo "vi file"; }
assert "`doas -C $VI_FILE echo`" "deny"
#TEST00m1=`doas -C $PERMIT_FILE echo`
#TEST00m2=`doas -L`
# I need some way to check ownership of tty a/o make a nwe one
# in case i have su'ed into this program somehow... sigh...
#if [ $? ]; then
#if [ "$TEST00m2" != "permit" ]; then
# echo "cannot do ANY doas-stuff, maybe login as hfeltonadmin ?"
[ "$DODEBUG" ] && { echo "crossing zero"; }
assert "`echo 't'`" "t"
#assert "`doas -C $PERMIT_FILE echo`" "permit"
#try "1. create an edit-able copy..."
try "1. $TEST01"
doas -L
doas -L
# fd/syserr catches bad passwords here...
assert "`. $LAUNCH_CMDS 2>&1`" ""
#try "2. go ahead and vi-edit ..."
try "2. $TEST02"
# dont let kshrc-stuff run...
export ENV=''
( sh -i -c "vi $VI_FILE <$TTY >$TTY" )
doas -C $VI_FILE
# check for syntax errors from editting...
assert "`. $LAUNCH_CMDS 2>&1`" ""
#try "3. post-edit-check for replacement permissions..."
try "3. $TEST03"
assert "`doas -C $VI_FILE -u $USR cp | cut -c 1-6 `" "permit"
#try "4. install the latest-greatest back..."
try "4. $TEST04"
assert "`doas cp $VI_FILE $DOASFILE 2>&1`" ""
#try "999. Testing ENDS..."
[ "$DODEBUG" ] && { echo; echo "PASS: $tests_run tests run"; }
[ "$DOHELPFUL" ] && { echo; echo "All $tests_run steps ok, so..."; echo
[ "$DONORMAL" ] && { echo $END_STRING; }
#assert "`echo 't'`" "t"
##echo "vidoas.sh succeeded."
teardown; exit 0

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