Adding two relay blocks does seem to fix the problem, thank you.


On Sat, Feb 27, 2021 at 02:50:11AM -0700, Anthony J. Bentley wrote:
> Hi,
> writes:
> > Then it seems relayd also works. So I suspect relayd is ignoring
> > the tls keypair directive for IPv6 addresses. In other words, when IPv6 is 
> > en
> > abled,
> > relayd appears to ignore:
> >
> > tls { keypair }
> >
> > Can someone verify if this is correct behavior, if I misconfigured, or
> > if this is a bug?
> You're making things a bit harder for yourself with your choice of
> certificate filenames. For starters, on webservers I've never had
> any use for a certificate without full chain. So I just create a
> full chain certificate under the usual certificate filename in my
> acme-client config.
>     domain {
>             domain key "/etc/ssl/private/"
>             domain full chain certificate "/etc/ssl/"
>             sign with letsencrypt
>     }
> No symlinks necessary.
> Then in relayd I create two relays, listening to the same protocol
> block.
>     table <httpd> { }
>     log connection
>     http protocol myremote {
>             tls keypair ""
>             return error
>             pass
>     }
>     relay mysite4 {
>             listen on port 443 tls
>             protocol myremote
>             forward to <httpd> check tcp port 80
>     }
>     relay mysite6 {
>             listen on ::1 port 443 tls
>             protocol myremote
>             forward to <httpd> check tcp port 80
>     }
> The problem really is that you can't listen on IPv4 and IPv6 in the
> same relay block. This might be a bug although I suppose it could be
> intentional (I've never found relayd's configuration very intuitive).
> -- 
> Anthony J. Bentley

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