On Wed, 2021-03-10 at 07:54 +0000, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2021-03-09, Aaron Miller <aa...@iforgotmy.name> wrote:
> > For some time now, my -CURRENT system will occasionally get
> > into a
> > state where graphics is slow to refresh and the Xorg uses ~50%
> > of
> > CPU. I notice this in Firefox or GVim when repeatedly pressing
> > PgDn on a long site/file, and in Evolution (emails are slow to
> > load, and text input is laggy when composing a message).
> > 
> > OpenBSD 6.9-beta (GENERIC.MP) #366: Sun Feb 28 07:15:39 MST
> > 2021
> Update your snapshot and see how it goes.

It seems to be fixed now.

I followed these steps in order:

1) test ===> not fixed
2) set "machdep.allowaperture=1" in /etc/sysctl.conf and reboot
3) test ===> not fixed
4) upgrade snapshot and reboot
5) realize I'm behind on openbsd.org/faq/current.html so I run
this: cd /dev && ./MAKEDEV dri
6) reboot
7) test ===> fixed

Thanks for the help!


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