On Wed, Mar 17 2021 at 11:08:35 +0100, Antoine Jacoutot wrote:
On Wed, Mar 17, 2021 at 09:57:45AM +0100, Ruben Vestergaard wrote:
Hi list,

Is there a general way of injecting an environment variable into an rc
managed service? I need Smokeping to pick up the HTTPS_CA_FILE variable, but
there seems to be no obvious way to set it.

I guess I could modify the system scripts, but is there a cleaner, obvious
way I have missed?

Sure, you can create a login class that matches the rc.d script name and add the
env var in it.

e.g. login.conf entry


Brilliant, just what I was looking for! Thanks!

FYI you have an example in the smokeping package README.

So there is indeed. *redface.wav*



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