
> On 2021-03-26, Richard Ulmer <maillists.rul...@mailbox.org> wrote:
> > The `go` directive starts a new goroutine, which I would expect to be
> > put into it's own process here. However, using htop(1) I can see, that
> > only one of my two cores gets load. Running the same program on Linux,
> > two cores are utilized.

That's not how the Go runtime works, I think?

You shouldn't expect to see a 1:1 mapping of goroutines:OS processes.

Quoting Russ Cox on the golang-nuts list:

  "This is a popular split but hardly the only definition
  of those terms. One reason we use the name goroutine
  is to avoid preconceptions about what those terms mean.
  For many people threads also connotes management by
  the operating system, while goroutines are managed first
  by the Go runtime"

More here:


Are you actually seeing a problem (an actual problem, not "I can only see
one line for my app in "top") specific to OpenBSD?


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