On 2021-04-13, Janne Johansson <icepic...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Den tis 13 apr. 2021 kl 10:29 skrev jannick Weiss <jannick....@gmail.com>:
>> Hello,my name is Jannick Weiss and i am currently in the process of taking
>> my education as a datatechnician. As part of my education i have to do a
>> presentation on a self-elected subject and i have chosen to talk about CARP.
>> It is my understanding that it is you (OpenBSD) that have developed CARP.
>> I am having trouble finding information about CARP, such as the different
>> states the protocol goes through or how the election of the master node
>> works specifically.
>> If you can provide any documentation on CARP it would be greatly
>> appreciated.
> https://www.openbsd.org/events.html lists a few talks some 15 years
> ago which focused on PF and Carp, those might help.

https://github.com/jedisct1/UCarp has some useful information.
There's no formal documentation for the protocol afaik.

> Googling "openbsd carp design" turned this PDF up,
> https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/17210042.pdf from 2006 which perhaps
> dives a bit deeper.

It's a bit wrong though, I noticed it says "encrypted" - it's authenticated
but not encrypted. Doesn't go much into the protocol details either.

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