On Jun 20 18:58:31, ffuen...@texto-plano.xyz wrote:
> I speak Spanish and thus I use a locale called es_CL.UTF-8. XFCE is fine
> with it. However, my date is expressed directly as it comes from date(1).
> This is confirmed by their docs
> https://docs.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-panel/4.16/clock so how do I make date to
> work with my language.
> This is my locale:
> LANG=es_CL.UTF-8
> LC_CTYPE="es_CL.UTF-8"
> LC_TIME="es_CL.UTF-8"
> LC_ALL=es_CL.UTF-8

man locale

        Programs in the OpenBSD base system ignore the locale except
        for the character encoding, and it is not recommended to
        use any of these variables except that the following
        non-default setting is supported as an option:

        export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8

OpenBSD's date(1) ignores your locale setting.
XFCE as a third-party application might choose to support it,
but that has nothing to do with the base date(1).

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