On Mon, 5 Jul 2021 17:50:27 -0700
Jonathan Thornburg <jthorn4...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > Better yet, if you can, maybe consider setting up Asterisk or similar
> > directly on the OpenBSD router, then configure your ATA to talk to
> > that.  The Asterisk installation can then "sanitise" the traffic going
> > to your ATA, and is in your control for updates.  This is the approach
> > I've taken with my network here (with Internode NodePhone VoIP as VSP
> > and a handful of IP phones and one ATA).  By doing this, I better
> > shield the IP phones/ATA from the outside traffic since the border
> > router is transcoding the audio passed to these devices.  
> One problem is that the Ooma VOIP box (ATA) is a "black box" appliance
> with no (documented) user-visible configuration interface.  So it has to
> "think" it's talking to whatever network infrastructure Ooma uses.

Ahh fun… yeah, you might be stuck with their crummy device talking to
their service then unless you can somehow "jailbreak" it, which is
really getting beyond the scope of what was originally intended.

Not familiar with these devices, clearly this is an ATA with some
"secret sauce" of unknown quality.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...
  ...it's backed up on a tape somewhere.

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