HI All,
     I am setting up a firewall with PF. The strategy used is quite common:
           set block-policy return
           set loginterface none
           set skip on lo0
           match in all scrub (random-id reassemble tcp)
           block log

Then some rules are used to pass the authorized packets.

One of the rule is
          pass from <TV_nets> to <multicast>
          pass from <multicast> to <TV_nets>

where the table "multicast" contains all the multicast address and the table 
"TV_nets" the
networks used for IT TV.

In the log  regularly the following message is produced:
    Jul 07 10:44:40.049159 rule 26/(match) pass in on vlan120: >
    igmp query [tos 0xc0] [ttl 1]

where vlan120 is part of an OpenBSD bridge used in egress part of the firewall.

A lot of similar rules  (many vlan are used) and  some other
pass rules are defined but only this one (26) produces a message.

Is it possible to remove a such message? The message is not useful and it 
clutters the log.

Thanks for your help,

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