On 2021-08-14, Björn Gohla <b.go...@gmx.de> wrote:
> hi all,
> i'm trying to use openmdns to find my network printer. it shows up
> (sporadically) when i run
> $ mdnsctl browse -r
> and i can obtain the address using
> $ mdnsctl lookup EPSON892A3E.local
> but how do i integrate the mdns daemon into resolv.conf? the man pages
> certainly don't mention how to do it.
> i would expect gethostbyname(3) to be able to resolve EPSON892A3E.local

There isn't any support for gethostbyname looking up mdns records.

Perhaps there is some software that can take a normal DNS query and use
mdns for looking it up which might worm - a quick google finds something
written in node.js, maybe there's another in a less annoying language too!

I would recommend just making a DHCP assignment or using a static address
for your printer though.

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