On 2021-10-07 18:28, J. K. wrote:

I have a question to OpenBSD's httpd and PHP.
Don't know if this is httpd related or PHP.

With the default settings it's hard to debug
error with my PHP script, because under
/var/www/logs/error.log there is no timestamp
or the requested URI. Is there a configuration
for httpd or PHP to get more details in the
error log?

Thanks in advance.

BTW: This is my second mail with the same
context on this list. But had some troubles
with my domain.

Kind regards,

J. K.

My apologies as I am not really answering your question, but here goes. My OpenBSD machine running httpd is solely for learning, and it is low volume. To simplify debugging, I log both access and errors to /var/www/logs/error.log with the following entries in /etc/httpd.conf

log access "error.log"
log error "error.log"
log style forwarded

The access information tells me about URI, timestamp, browser/agent, things of that nature. Along with the errors that are logged in the same file, I then can easily associate a PHP error with a URI or timestamp.

My php and php-fpm files are unchanged from the defaults. My guess is there are options that can be set in /etc/php-8.0.ini but I have not checked nor made any changes to that file. (I have php/fpm 8.0 installed on my OpenBSD 6.9 system; you might have different versions installed)

Anyway, this might be helpful for you in the short term -- until you are able to more correctly log the information you need.

Joe Barnett

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