
> Hi, I'm new to openbsd having just set it up on my x200 and loving it
> (running so much better than my old distro). after reading through
> c0ffee's laptop set up guide and the afterboot man page i'm struggling
> to work out why i can't send mail through my mail account w smtpd. i
> have asked my provider for support about the issues i saw other people
> having (port 25 not being open) but they said that wasn't it and they
> were unsure about the problem. below i have linked to a paste of my
> smtpd.conf and my maillog. Personally i'm struggling to work out whats
> wrong from the log but i'm assuming i've not set something up right...
> maillog:

I looked at your log messages and the only thing I can think of is this
mail provider requires some auth approach smtpd doesn't support
(CRAM-Md5). It seems they're more interested in supporting mail clients
and not a relaying connection from an MTA is my guess.


In that case, don't use smptd and configure whatever mail client you use
to connect directly to their service. (...or get a new service provider
that doesn't require CRAM-MD5)

Unless something's changed in 7-8 years I don't think OpenSMTPD is going
to support CRAM-MD5. See this old GH exchange with Gilles for some
background on why:


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