On Thu, Mar 09, 2006 at 12:51:51AM +0000, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2006/03/08 18:29, Gordon Grieder wrote:
> > The speed with and without userland crypto enabled was the same
> Doesn't necessarily mean anything - overheads might be doing this.

See below.

> The clearest indication is probably to watch the hifn's irq in
> systat vmstat.
> > for things the cards support (ie.: sha1, rsa, et al). 
> rsa?: "The 7951, 7955 and 7956 have support for public key operations
> which are not yet supported."

Right, my mistake. <duh>

Figured something else out, it's working with SSH fine. Anything I do
remotely hikes up the interrupts on the hifn0 device. (ie.: "find /"
throws the interrupt count high as the stuff scrolls by)

It seems that it's openssl that isn't working. That's progress. :)

> sha1 should be supported, though how are you testing it?
> how about 3des or aes-cbc??

Just with a script which disables userland crypto, runs a bench,
enables it and runs the same bench.

sudo sh bench.sh sha1

kern.usercrypto: 1 -> 0
kern.userasymcrypto: 1 -> 0
To get the most accurate results, try to run this
program when this computer is idle.
Doing sha1 for 3s on 16 size blocks: 570605 sha1's in 3.00s
Doing sha1 for 3s on 64 size blocks: 485408 sha1's in 3.01s
Doing sha1 for 3s on 256 size blocks: 326027 sha1's in 3.00s
Doing sha1 for 3s on 1024 size blocks: 140790 sha1's in 2.97s
Doing sha1 for 3s on 8192 size blocks: 22362 sha1's in 2.97s

kern.usercrypto: 0 -> 1
kern.userasymcrypto: 0 -> 1
To get the most accurate results, try to run this
program when this computer is idle.
Doing sha1 for 3s on 16 size blocks: 567198 sha1's in 2.98s
Doing sha1 for 3s on 64 size blocks: 481930 sha1's in 2.98s
Doing sha1 for 3s on 256 size blocks: 324498 sha1's in 2.98s
Doing sha1 for 3s on 1024 size blocks: 140371 sha1's in 2.98s
Doing sha1 for 3s on 8192 size blocks: 22332 sha1's in 2.98s

Those numbers are too close to be coincidence. Results with the old
Pentium are similar (but much smaller numbers :))


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