On Fri, Nov 19, 2021 at 01:58:20PM +0100, Jan Stary wrote:
> This is current/amd64 on a Thinkpad T400
> (full dmesg and sysctl hw below).
> It provides various sensors reporting temperatures,
> but I don't really know what temperatures these are.
> $ sysctl hw | grep temp
> hw.sensors.cpu0.temp0=39.00 degC
> hw.sensors.acpithinkpad0.temp0=48.00 degC
> hw.sensors.acpithinkpad0.temp1=41.00 degC
> hw.sensors.acpithinkpad0.temp2=34.00 degC
> hw.sensors.acpithinkpad0.temp4=25.00 degC
> hw.sensors.acpithinkpad0.temp6=25.00 degC
> hw.sensors.acpitz0.temp0=48.00 degC (zone temperature)
> hw.sensors.acpitz1.temp0=44.00 degC (zone temperature)
> hw.sensors.aps0.temp0=255.00 degC
> hw.sensors.aps0.temp1=255.00 degC
> ...

Hi Jan,

There is some (emperically derived) info. about the hardware here:

Index in "thermal"   Location
1                    CPU neighbourhood (also via ACPI THM0)
2                    Ultrabay
3                    Express card
4                    ATI graphics module
5                    Main battery (always around 50°C)
6                    n/a (probably ultrabay battery)
7                    Main Battery (fits about the value reported by smapi)
8                    n/a (probably ultrabay battery)
9                    Hard disc
10                   Intel graphics module
11                   Heatsink?

Those numbers are the indicies into the Linux thinkpad_acpi kernel
module, made available via '/proc/acpi/ibm/thermal' 

Maybe that helps.


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