Greg Thomas wrote:
> Any days that I know I'll be meeting co-workers from around the
> country I wear my Blowfish polo.  Either the Blowfish or the "Secure
> by Default" always catches a few eyes and then I'm off with the spiel.
>  One of these days I'm going to get a cash donation out of someone
> here.  I did manage to donate a lowend dual G4 from work.
> Greg

I was *this close* to posting to this list "Why can I not get to  If they want my money they
should at least make sure the farggin' site works!"

Well, turns out that instead of redirecting specific https traffic,
I was redirecting all https traffic heading to the 68. range (an old
rule that never caught me before... is hosted on a
new sever?).  Embarrassing, to be sure, but my laughter and guilt
got me through ordering the CDs, the blue polo, the Baby T for my
wife (she already uses an OpenBSD powered laptop and still does not
know how cool that makes her -- maybe the T will help), and a donation.

Keep up the good work.


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