On 1/13/2022 6:46 PM, i...@protonmail.com wrote:
I would like to avoid httpd giving anything if a user types in the IP
address of the server.

At first I just made an empty page, which is fine for port 80, but if
the user then types https://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, then the certificate for a
domain shows, which doesn't fit the IP address.

Is there some way to do something like:

server "default" {
listen on * port 80
listen on * port 443
block drop

And then only serve specific domains?

I've done something like this with haproxy using SNI routing, but for different reasons. Unfortunately this requires running haproxy as root, and haproxy has to be in the routing path. Having it on the same machine is probably ok.

Note that this does not require haproxy to have the client certificates, since the hostname is transmitted in plaintext with SNI.

Config snippets:

frontend ft_ssl_vip
        bind :443
        mode tcp

        tcp-request inspect-delay 5s
        tcp-request content accept if { req_ssl_hello_type 1 }

        default_backend bk_ssl_default

backend bk_ssl_default
        mode tcp

        source usesrc clientip

        acl app_one      req_ssl_sni -i one.example.com
        acl app_two      req_ssl_sni -i two.example.com
        acl app_three    req_ssl_sni -i three.example.com

        use-server one if app_one
        use-server two if app_two
        use-server three if app_three
        use-server default if !app_one !app_two !app_three

        option ssl-hello-chk
        server one  check
        server two  check
        server three check
        server default

So, server default can answer with whatever cert you want, and one, two, three can answer with their correct certs. Scanners won't connect to one, two, three unless they already know the host names.

Of course, this is somewhat futile with Certificate Transparency, since all your host names will be listed publicly anyway.

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