Hi All,

I thought I would try running unwind on my desktop at home. Reading the
manual page, it doesn't seem to require any specific configuration, so I
started it via rcctl and everything seemed to work as expected e.g. it
found the address of my router/DHCP server, resolv.conf was updated and
DNS queries worked:
> mjoelnir:/etc 19.02 18:21:02 # rcctl start unwind
> unwind(ok)

> mjoelnir:/etc 19.02 18:21:18 # unwindctl status
> 1. recursor        validating,   N/A   3. stub             resolving,   N/A
> 2. autoconf        validating,   N/A   4. oDoT-autoconf         dead,   N/A
>                       histograms: lifetime[ms], decaying[ms]
>          <10   <20   <40   <60   <80  <100  <200  <400  <600  <800 <1000     >
>   rec      0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
>            0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
>  auto      0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
>            0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
>  stub      0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
>            0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
> auto*      0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
>            0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0

> mjoelnir:/etc 19.02 18:21:29 # unwindctl status autoconf
> autoconfiguration forwarders:
>   DHCP[em0]:

After some DNS queries ...
> mjoelnir:/etc 19.02 18:33:02 # unwindctl status
> 1. autoconf        validating,  50ms   3. stub             resolving,   Inf
> 2. recursor        validating, 150ms   4. oDoT-autoconf         dead,   N/A
>                       histograms: lifetime[ms], decaying[ms]
>          <10   <20   <40   <60   <80  <100  <200  <400  <600  <800 <1000     >
>  auto      9    13    20    25     9     5    14     3     1     1     0     0
>            4     9    12    15     6     3     8     2     0     0     0     0
>   rec      2     1     4     0     0     3    16     4     5     0     1     1
>            1     0     2     0     0     2    10     3     3     0     0     0
>  stub      8     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     1
>            3     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
> auto*      0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
>            0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0

However, some time later (in this test a few minutes) resolving of local
hostnames stops working and unwind begins logging messages like these:
> Feb 19 18:36:12 mjoelnir unwind[72749]: validation failure 
> <mjoelnir.fritz.box. A IN>: no DNSSEC records from for DS 
> fritz.box. while building chain of trust
> Feb 19 18:36:12 mjoelnir unwind[72749]: validation failure <mjoelnir. A IN>: 
> no DNSSEC records from for DS mjoelnir. while building chain 
> of trust
> Feb 19 18:36:12 mjoelnir unwind[72749]: validation failure 
> <mjoelnir.fritz.box. A IN>: key for validation fritz.box. is marked as 
> invalid because of a previous validation failure <mjoelnir.fritz.box. A IN>: 
> no DNSSEC records from for DS fritz.box. while building chain 
> of trust
> Feb 19 18:36:12 mjoelnir unwind[72749]: validation failure <mjoelnir. A IN>: 
> key for validation mjoelnir. is marked as invalid because of a previous 
> validation failure <mjoelnir. A IN>: no DNSSEC records from 
> for DS mjoelnir. while building chain of trust
> Feb 19 18:36:30 mjoelnir unwind[72749]: validation failure 
> <www.zimagez.com.fritz.box. A IN>: key for validation fritz.box. is marked as 
> invalid because of a previous validation failure <mjoelnir.fritz.box. A IN>: 
> no DNSSEC records from for DS fritz.box. while building chain 
> of trust
> Feb 19 18:39:07 mjoelnir unwind[72749]: validation failure 
> <mjoelnir.fritz.box. A IN>: no DNSSEC records from for DS 
> fritz.box. while building chain of trust
> Feb 19 18:39:59 mjoelnir unwind[72749]: validation failure <mjoelnir. A IN>: 
> no DNSSEC records from for DS mjoelnir. while building chain 
> of trust
> Feb 19 18:40:38 mjoelnir unwind[72749]: validation failure <novena. A IN>: no 
> DNSSEC records from for DS novena. while building chain of 
> trust

mjoelnir is the local system, where unwind is running, and novena is
another (linux) system on the local network. I don't know what zimagez

Further validation failure messages have what appear to be incorrectly
concatenated names for the local system e.g.
> Feb 19 18:43:47 mjoelnir unwind[72749]: validation failure 
> <mjoelnir.fritz.box.fritz.box. A IN>: key for validation fritz.box. is marked 
> as invalid because of a previous validation failure <mjoelnir.fritz.box. A 
> IN>: no DNSSEC records from for DS fritz.box. while building 
> chain of trust
> Feb 19 18:43:47 mjoelnir unwind[72749]: validation failure 
> <mjoelnir.fritz.box.fritz.box. AAAA IN>: key for validation fritz.box. is 
> marked as invalid because of a previous validation failure 
> <mjoelnir.fritz.box. A IN>: no DNSSEC records from for DS 
> fritz.box. while building chain of trust

Why does unwind function at first and then stop working? Have I failed to
configure it correctly? What did I miss?

Why does it appear to incorrectly double append the domain name i.e.

What does "DS" mean in those messages?

This is all with unwind_flags="-v" in rc.conf.local. Although this
doesn't seem to have made unwind especially verbose. There is no
/etc/unwind.conf file in this case (I experimented a bit with one, trying
various options, but this behaviour was unchanged.)

I'm running a recent snapshot:
sysctl kern.version
kern.version=OpenBSD 7.0-current (GENERIC.MP) #352: Wed Feb 16 01:23:21 MST 2022


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