Maybe we need a default vmd class? What do you guys think?

On 25/02/22 15:34 +0100, Paul de Weerd wrote:
> Hi all,
> In commit Eg1WuG7hzCoCPdcz, robert@ changed the ulimit for the daemon
> class in /etc/login.conf for amd64 from 'infinity' to 4096M (see [0]
> and [1]).
> This change broke my vmd setup, and I had to dig around to understand
> what happened.  Sharing here in hopes of preventing others from
> wasting their time like I did.
> I have a VM that is configured with 4GB of RAM:
> [weerd@pom] $ grep -B2 4G /etc/vm.conf
> vm "builder" {
>       owner weerd
>       memory 4G
> After upgrading to a newer snapshot (and sysmerge'ing login.conf), vmd
> crashes when this VM gets started:
> pom vmd[98555]: builder: could not allocate guest memory - exiting: Cannot 
> allocate memory
> pom vmd[71874]: vmm: read vcp id
> pom vmd[10670]: priv exiting, pid 10670
> pom vmd[73889]: control exiting, pid 73889
> (resource limits doing exactly what they're supposed to do here!)
> It took me longer than I care to admit to realize that this would be
> caused by the newly reduced datasize limit imposed by Robert's change.
> I fixed this by adding a dedicated login.conf stanza for vmd:
> [weerd@pom] $ tail -n7 /etc/login.conf
> ######################################################################
> # Local changes
> #
> # vmd runs VMs with 4GB, so it needs an increased datasize limit:
> vmd:\
>       :datasize=5120M:\
>       :tc=daemon:
> Alternatively, I could've stuck that bit in /etc/login.conf.d/vmd
> which would've had the same effect.  But with that change everything
> is working just fine again.  When you run into a similar issue, make
> sure not to just revert back to "infinite" - find a suitable limit for
> whatever piece of software you have and adjust accordingly.
> Cheers,
> Paul
> [0]:
> [1]: 
> -- 
> >++++++++[<++++++++++>-]<+++++++.>+++[<------>-]<.>+++[<+
> +++++++++++>-]<.>++[<------------>-]<+.--------------.[-]

Robert Nagy

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