On 3/21/22 20:22, Eric Thomas wrote:
> Hello,
> I'd like to learn about secure networking (PKI, x509 certs, DNS, IPS, etc.)
> and generally
> harden my home network using OpenBSD. Can I use OpenBSD services AND have
> it act as a desktop workstation on the same machine?
> Ref:
> https://superuser.com/questions/1712101/openbsd-home-server-workstation-on-same-machine
> Thanks,
> Eric

Secure networking - Consideration: Defense in depth - If your services machine 
is compromised, what will be exposed?

A server machine and a desktop machine are different roles, with different 
requirements.  Mixing both in one machine can be done but you may not learn as 

I sent a message to the list in December describing my approach (covering 3 
years) - May be interesting reading:


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