Hi Diana

I did a different search in google and received a lot of irrelevant hits :-( I looked up the mailing list archives but didn't find anything concrete on the subject. I agree that more information is needed but I kept it to the 2nd round of the emails on this subject because 1: I didn't have it at the time. 2: I didn't know exactly what kind of information other's would be interested (and overloading emails with numbers makes others less likely to respond to the email). Now to the subject at hand: The OpenBSD side is simple: OpenBSD 3.8-stable (and 3.9 when it comes out). Since I didn't have time to develop a policy I'm following the other location's policy. The Cisco they have is a 3745 concentrator. The encryption algorithm is 3DES. Hash algorithm is SHA1. DH group 2 (for phase 1) and phase 2 is esp-3des esp-sha-hmac.


Diana Eichert wrote:

On Fri, 10 Mar 2006, Paolo Supino wrote:


 I need to setup an IPSEC VPN between 2 locations. 1 location runs
Cisco gear (out of my control) and the other runs OpenBSD (my decision).
I've never setup a VPN between Cisco and OpenBSD before (I did between
Cisco to Cisco and OpenBSD to OpenBSD) and I was wondering if there are
any pitfalls or incompatibilities between Cisco and OpenBSD
implementations of IPSEC that will cause problems?



More info is required.  Cisco is a company that grows via acquisition,
therefore they have several different VPN solutions.  Also, I did a quick
search on Google for "Cisco and OpenBSD ipsec" and there are over 95k
English hits.  The very first response is "OpenBSD IPSEC with cisco -


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