
> If you want to work with the ports tree, it's _much_ better to set up
> DPB than just running 'make' in the various directories:

Very cool blog! I def spent some time reading. The dpb method feels
like a litttttle too advanced for me at this moment. I'm struggling to
get this UniFi port built using the standard setup.


1. I was able to restore a previous checkpoint (I'm in a virtual
machine) where the port tree was freshly installed.
2. I ran `make install` in the correct directory ( thank you:
`/usr/ports/net/unifi/6.2`) and piped the results to a log.txt file.
3. I wish I could figure out how to get the dang log.txt file out of
the OpenBSD VM (email?, USB thumbdrive?, other?) and into your hands!
    - Seems like an act of congress to setup external email. At least
I can't find a simple example on the web
    - It'll probably be easier for me to determine how to add USB
drives to the VM (working on it)
4. I can't tell whether the `make install` worked or not
    - Running `pkg_add unifi` results in:
        - 'quirks-4.54 signed on 2022-03-26T14:02:42Z /n Can't find unifi`

On Thu, Mar 31, 2022 at 5:53 PM Stuart Henderson
<stu.li...@spacehopper.org> wrote:
> On 2022-03-31, Eric Thomas <e...@ericthomas.net> wrote:
> > --000000000000c9bb7b05db88e7ee
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> >
> > I'm stuck. I need to install the UniFi 6.2.26 port, I used the [FAQ to
> > setup the ports tree](https://www.openbsd.org/faq/ports/ports.html).
> > This seemed to work just fine. However, the last few messages in the
> > `make install` output showed errors. To debug the issue, I decided to
> > completely uninstall the UniFi port then pipe the `make install`
> > output to a log.txt.
> As you mentioned 6.2 and this shows 5.6 you'll want to cd into the
> relevant subdirectory of /usr/ports/net/unifi.
> Compiling mongodb and java aren't very much fun and may need raised
> memory limits, you probably want to install those from packages instead
> ("make FETCH_PACKAGES= install" should do that - the unifi port would
> have displayed a hint about this when you ran "make").
> > To uninstall:
> >
> > - TRIED: `make uninstall`
> > - ERROR: `make: don't know how to make uninstall`
> This would be "make deinstall", but it isn't installed yet, what you
> showed is where it was trying to compile/install the dependencies.
> > Content-Type: image/png; name="image.png"
> Hopefully that will help, if not please copy the text from a terminal
> rather than send a screenshot, it may be helpful to scroll up a bit
> to show preceding lines too.

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