Hi all,

I'm posting this for the benefit of OpenBSD community members hosting virtual machines on Vultr.

I encountered the same failure that Claus A. reported in December:

cd*.iso reboot loop (vultr, Skylake AVX MDS)

To summarize, the VM halts with this kernel fault during boot, shortly before running fsck:

kernel: privileged instruction fault trap, code=0
Stopped at mds_handler_skl_avx+0x33: clflush __ALIGN_SIZE+0x500(%rid,%rax,8)

It then drops in to ddb.

As in Claus's case, the solution was to ask Vultr support to migrate the guest to another hypervisor. The representative assigned to my case was unable to explain the root cause.

This is the second incident in the past month that resulted in a lengthy service outage caused by a Vultr misconfiguration. In the previous incident, the representative told me, "OpenBSD has very special configurations that are required on our end to work properly with our virtualization software". It lowers my confidence in Vultr as a reliable OpenBSD host.

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