Ali Farzanrad <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a wireguard configuration in my system with local unbound dns
> resolver.  In the past, I'd configured my wireguard as a separated
> rdomain, so whenever I needed to run my browser, I did one of these 2
> options:
>  1. change /etc/resolv.conf and user a global dns resolver,
>  2. run an unwind locally for my wg rdomain: route -T<n> exec unwind
> This was working for me, until recently that I changed my configuration
> to have a single rdomain with different rtables.  I've added these
> routes to my rtable:
> route -T<n> add 127/8
> route -T<n> add default <my-wg-endpoint>
> I've tested this configuration with curl and confirm that it is OK:
> route -T<n> exec curl -s | grep Hey
> But whenever I run chromium or iridium or firefox-esr on this rtable,
> it could not resolve any dns name (they displays websites such as
> which doesn't require any dns resolving correctly).
> I've tested different nameservers, global and local with same rtable,
> but it didn't work.
> What is the problem?
> How may I debug it?
> Thanks in Advance

Forget to mention, I've tested all of these in OpenBSD-CURRENT
(following base from source, but packages from binary).  I've updated
all of my packages except iridium which I didn't find in snapshots.

This is my routes:

$ route -T<n> show
Routing tables

Destination        Gateway            Flags   Refs      Use   Mtu  Prio Iface
default            <wg-engpoint>      UGS        0        4     -     8 wg<n>
127/8              localhost          UGS        0       29 32768     8 lo0

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