Have you tried pkg_add -Uu?


On 5/13/22 10:35, Clemens Gößnitzer wrote:
When I try to update nextcloud to the next major version, it would not
let me easily:

# pkg_add -vi nextcloud
Update candidates: quirks-5.5 -> quirks-5.5
quirks-5.5 signed on 2022-05-12T23:37:02Z
Ambiguous: choose package for nextcloud
a       0: <None>
         1: nextcloud-21.0.8p0
         2: nextcloud-22.2.6
         3: nextcloud-23.0.3
Your choice: 3
Can't install nextcloud-23.0.3 because of conflicts (nextcloud-22.2.6)
--- nextcloud-23.0.3 -------------------
Can't install nextcloud-23.0.3: conflicts
Couldn't install nextcloud-23.0.3

Is there a way to do this upgrade without pkg_delete nextcloud &&
pkg_install nextcloud?


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