
>From a brand new 7.1/amd64 installation, I'm trying to use
keepassxc-proxy with Iridium. As I did for Firefox-ESR, I added
"/usr/local/bin/keepassxc-proxy rx" to /etc/iridium/unveil.main. But it
never connects to the database.

Using Firefox-ESR, it works ok.
Using "iridium --disable-unveil", it works ok.
Using Chromium, it doesn't work either. When disabling unveil, it works.

I've tried looking at ktrace/kdump but I don't really know what to
look for. When searching for "NAMI.*keepassxc", I could only find calls
that seem to end properly (RET 0).

Anyone knows what to add to unveil.main to have keepassxc-proxy?
What should I be looking for in kdump to identify what fails?

ktrace.out is a bit more 100MB but I can make it available online if it

Joel C.

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