On 2006/03/10 17:23, Bryan Irvine wrote:
> So what we have are some servers on LAN1 with a default gateway of the
> carp IP on the firewalls.  Somebody located on either LAN2 or LAN3
> telnets to one of those servers, get connected and goes on about their
> daily business.
> Sometime later their connection drops.
> It happened after we installed the carp firewalls, and seems to be
> related to ICMP-Redirect coming from the real IP, as opposed to the
> carp one the request went to.

good description, thanks.

turning off redirects (sysctl -w net.inet.ip.redirect=0) would let you
verify this hypothesis, and if it's valid and the traffic to the LANs
isn't too heavy, could give you a work-around too.

if not, maybe a packet trace from one of the LAN2 or LAN3 hosts might
shed light.

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