On 2022-07-13, Tobias Fiebig <tob...@reads-this-mailinglist.com> wrote:
> Heho,
> I am running OpenBGPd (on 7.1+binpatches), and have some tunnel links between 
> hosts and up/downstreams over wg tunnels.
> I am basically wondering whether the behavior is known/normal and/or happened 
> to others, or if it is worth it to setup a test-setup to properly debug the 
> issue/document how it can be reproduced.
> Specifically, I noticed that bgpd will consider routes invalid which it 
> learns over a (wg?) interface that was not there when bgpd was started; So, 
> essentially:
> Start bgpd
> Create wireguard interface, configure IPs
> Adjust bgpd config to add new peer on that if.
> bgpctl reload
> -> Session with the peer comes up, bgpd sees the routes, but it lacks the 
> 'valid' * flag.
> Restarting bgpd resolves this (but also lets all sessions flap).
> I did not see (or missed) something about this in the man page; The same 
> issue seems to not occur with other Interfaces added later, e.g., vlan.

How does "bgpctl sh nex" look, both in the failed situation and the
situation where wg was already created?

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