I wanted to be able to access the web and surf
without the Nazi admin checking the firewall logs
to see what I am doing.

Oh, nice. Figure out how to bypass company security policy and put them all at risk. Then call the guy who's job it is to keep it all working a Nazi. Mmm, impressive.

Hopefully you are not running on a windows machine thus opening a door to making it a cinch to hack your company network through your eh, inventiveness.

I should back track a little. I am one of the Nazi admins "gestapo". I manage the firewall logs, but once in a while she gets a burr in her ass and checks the logs after I do. I don't like her idea of what "questionable content" is. She believes that a woman in a bikini on fark.com is "questionable".

So, I did my research, and setup privoxy and putty and I can surf without issue. I still don't surf pr0n, but at least I am not worried about my job just because of a site like fark.com. So now, all she sees is one line saying that I am using an SSH connection to my home server.


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