I would great to have hardware acceleration for Raspberry Pi. But Pi's
video hardware drivers are not open source. They are some propriety
binary bits. Even theoretically, I don't see if those binary bits can be
used within
OpenBSD system.

On Thu, Jul 21, 2022 at 2:20 AM Mihai Popescu <mih...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > With your email now however the original question remains: Does OpenBSD
> actually support hardware accelerated video decoding today?
> General answer: NO.
> A more detailed answer is like this: there is a talk on the list about
> libvaapi (if i recall correctly) implementation for intel only. It was
> suggested, I am not sure if landed into the ports.
> Hardware video decoding must be done thru some libs, I think they are
> vaapi and vdpau for the moment. Then the used software (vlc, mpv,
> chromium, firefox) must be compiled with support for one of these, or
> both maybe.
> Both ways are praised and hated on the internet, depending of what you
> read. As always, there is much marketing involved.
> Anyone is welcome to correct some possible mistakes, I am not a video
> hardware expert.

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