I think getting the basis going is not too hard; There is LDAP and iirc also 
krb5 in base (if not, it is in ports), and you can always shoot for AD with 

The bigger problem, though, is most likely getting a proper 'web-ish' SSO 
provider for sth. like SAML or OpenID going. IIRC there are some PHP 
implementations running against an LDAP fine; But the question then is whether 
OpenBSD provides that much benefit if SSO goes through some random PHP app with 
a questionable update record.

For the more common SAML/OpenID providers, you probably run into the issue that 
most of these apps are either a) build to be funny appliances, or b) build to 
run in _some_ form of docker-ish environment (or, as I call it: The enterprise 

I am planning to $somewhen setup something similar with OpenBSD and will be 
happy to share docs (if I get around to it); But that will most likely also be 
'not safe for production' anyway...

With best regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-m...@openbsd.org <owner-m...@openbsd.org> On Behalf Of Tito Mari 
Francis Escaño
Sent: Sunday, 24 July 2022 07:11
To: misc@openbsd.org
Subject: CIAM recommendation

Hi everyone,
Can you please recommend package(s) I can setup on OpenBSD to create a CIAM or 
customer identity and access management system? This is to provide SSO between 
enterprise applications. While it's easy to go for Linux option, I prefer to 
build on top of the security offered by OpenBSD from the ground up.
Would appreciate your pointers on this.
Thank you.

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