On 2022 jeu 28 jui - 12:20, Kevin Wallace wrote:
> On 2022-07-28 11:32 AM, Nicolas Goy wrote:
> > I found something weird that might be a bug.
> > ping6 fe80:b2b:11fe:161::2%vport0
> The KAME IPv6 code uses the second word of link-local addresses for
> internal bookkeeping, and clears it before sending the packet over the
> wire.  Addresses within fe80::/10 but outside of fe80::/32 will cause
> weirdness like this.  See
> https://github.com/kame/kame/blob/master/IMPLEMENTATION, section 1.3.1

Is there a workaround? It seems those link local addresses are common
with cisco routers.

Nicolas Goy
Engineer & Developer


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