Hello Jiri,

Jiri Navratil wrote on Sat, Jul 30, 2022 at 07:54:53PM +0200:

> could someone guide me please, what I have to improve in my request
> and/or on my web page to be approved for
> https://www.openbsd.org/support.html ?

Your request is just fine.

You provide all the relevant information in your support.dat record
and you have a website making it clear that you provide OpenBSD-related

Having more details about your skills and experiences on the website,
and maybe have the website provide examples of successfully completed
projects, might be helpful to convince potential customers you are
the right person for their job, but it is not required for a listing.

I'm sorry i let this request slip for so long.
But now i finally committed it about half an hour ago.

Please have a look at


now to confirm that your data is indeed correct.

> 0
> C Czech Republic
> P
> T Prague
> Z 15800

> A Kacirkova 1016/19
> I Jiri Navratil

For these two lines, i used the correct accents.
The UTF-8 encoding is now the default in HTML5,
and i think using it in such a page that is clearly geared
to various national audiences makes some sense, even though
many entries still use US-ASCII only for historical reasons.


> M j...@navratil.cz
> U https://nocloud.cz/
> B +420 777 224 245
> X
> N OpenBSD/Linux installation, maintenance and support. Providing on-premise 
> solutions with OpenBSD on physical HW. Teaching Unix operating systems at 
> University of Ostrava with OpenBSD as the Unix-like operating system.

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