Am 04.08.22 15:27 schrieb Brian Durant:
> I have installed OpenBSD 7.1 i386 on my Lenovo T60 and am experiencing a
> couple of issues. The first is related to the following addition that I made
> to my .Xdefaults file, which works with OpenBSD 7.1 amd64 installs, but not
> with the OpenBSD 7.1 i386 install on my Lenovo T60:
> XTerm*VT100.Translations: #override\
>     Ctrl Shift <Key> C: copy-selection(CLIPBOARD) \n\
>     Ctrl Shift <Key> V: insert-selection(CLIPBOARD)
> Any ideas how to get copy and paste working in Xterm with an i386 install?
I understand that you want to map these keys but just to mention: there
is support for PRIMARY in xterm(1) and this means selected text is in
primary without any explicit copy action taking place.
see Inter-Client Communication Coventions Manual for X

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