What is the proper way to use a logfile in unbound(8)? I tried adding
the following lines in /var/unbound/etc/unbound.conf:
# $OpenBSD: unbound.conf,v 1.21 2020/10/28 11:35:58 sthen Exp $

        use-syslog: no
        logfile: log/unbound.log

Then touched /var/unbound/log/unbound.log. However when starting unbound
with rcctl no logs were written in unbound.log. To investigate the issue
I started unbound in non-daemon mode and debug mode: unbound -d, there I
saw the following info:
unbound[33113:0] error: Could not open logfile log/unbound.log:
Permission denied

Does anyone know what might be the problem with this approach?

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