On Sun, Sep 4, 2022 at 7:38 AM, Alex Holst <a...@mongers.org> wrote:

> This is my ~/bin/bootstrap-tmux script.
> Maybe it can inspire you to share some of your tmux config snippets or
> tricks? I'd also be interested if you have suggestions for improvements
> to my script.
> #!/bin/sh
> #
> # Bootstraps tmux to 80%; saves a bit of typing and thinking right after
> # reboots when I just want to get back to work.
> set -e
> # If I specify ~/work it messes up the tmux config, so cd to home first
> cd $HOME
> WORKDIR="projects/* business/. work wrk 3rdparty/*"
> # Build tmux sessions and windows based on the my project directories. These
> # almost always reflect what I am working on anyway.
> for wpath in $WORKDIR; do
> if [ -d $wpath ]; then
> session_name=$(dirname $wpath | sed 's/\./_/g')
> wname=$(basename $wpath)
> if $(tmux has-session -t $session_name); then
> tmux new-window -d -t $session_name -c $wpath -n $wname
> else
> tmux new-session -P -d -s $session_name -c $wpath -n $wname
> fi
> # Populate the session with windows, etc per project
> if [ -f $wpath/.tmux.conf.local ]; then
> tmux source-file $wpath/.tmux.conf.local
> fi
> fi
> done
> if [ -d ~/Business/Mail -o -d ~/Personal/Mail ]; then
> tmux new-session -P -d -s email -n neomutt neomutt
> fi
> WORKDIR="/usr/src /usr/ports /usr/ports/mystuff /usr/xenocara"
> for wpath in $WORKDIR; do
> # Are there signs of a usable OpenBSD src checkout?
> if [ -w $wpath/Makefile ]; then
> wname=$(basename $wpath)
> if $(tmux has-session -t openbsd); then
> tmux new-window -P -d -t openbsd -c $wpath -n $wname
> else
> tmux new-session -P -d -s openbsd -c $wpath -n $wname
> fi
> # Populate the session with windows, etc per project
> if [ -f $wpath/.tmux.conf.local ]; then
> tmux source-file $wpath/.tmux.conf.local
> fi
> fi
> done

That’s pretty good Alex!

tmuxis a huge help to me. My only customization is to rebind the prefix key.

$ cat .tmux.conf
# started 06-30-21

# By default, tmux uses Ctrl-b as prefix. Emacs, Mg, and other apps
# also use C-b. To pass C-b through tmux to the app, it needs to be
# typed twice as C-b C-b. I want to use C-b in the app without having
# to type it twice.

# https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/dv7sxo/using_tmux_terminal_emacs

# Backtick ` is easier to type than C-b and is much easier to pass
# through tmux to the app using `` rather than C-b C-b.

# The below tmux configuration block changes the default prefix key
# from Ctrl-b to backtick ` (above tab key).
# https://gist.github.com/JikkuJose/7509315
# https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Tmux

unbind-key C-b
set-option -g prefix `
bind-key ` send-prefix

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