> (Follow up question as for swap sizing: In the age of 32+ GB RAM, do
> you people really follow the recommendations on having swap at least
> twice the amount of RAM? I'm hoping for 72GB RAM and that would steal
> 144GB of my 525GB disks, something that seems ridiculous.)

That advice is ridiculous for such a machine, yes.
Depending on if you want to have a full crash dump done to swap and/or
hibernate to swap, you might be forced to have it at RAM-size plus
some extra, but for the ordinary run of the machine it should not be
needed to have a large swap at all, unless you run 40+G worth of
applications all the time.
If you did have 72G swap and actually used half of it, waiting for a
normal drive to un-swap that amount would be sad and boring.

May the most significant bit of your life be positive.

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