
I was hoping to get some clarification on a warning I noticed today 
after running wg-quick (part of wireguard-tools) to connect to a 
commercial VPN provider. I run OpenBSD 7.1, with all the patches 

The notice was:

"[!] WARNING: unwind will leak DNS queries"

I was not able to find any discussion of this on the internet. My 
purpose in using unwind is to reduce the need for third-party DNS 
queries (primarily for privacy). Is wg-quick saying that unwind may leak 
the queries to the VPN provider? If that is the case I am not concerned.  
The VPN provider has a connection check that says "No DNS leaks". 

What I would want to know is if my DNS queries are visible to 
my ISP. I thought that they are not, with unwind + VPN, but this warning 
causes some doubt.

Any advice on how to clear this up would be appreciated.


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