
I want to take actions when specific logs appear but still want to log them in a file (for further inspection). But "!!prog" does not work as I would expect. I've tested on 7.1 and 7.2/snapshots.

When using '!!', only the first action is applied. I configured syslog.conf this way:
 *.*             /var/log/sshd
 *.*             |/home/jca/Téléchargements/sshd_alert
In this configuration, only logging to the file works.

If I configure :
 #*.*            /var/log/sshd
 *.*             |/home/jca/Téléchargements/sshd_alert
then the pipe works and the script runs ok.

The manpage says: "!!prog causes the subsequent block to abort evaluation when a message matches, ensuring that only a single set of actions is taken." As it says "set of actions", I expected my configuration to work.

Is it possible to take several actions inside a !!prog block?

Thank you,
Joel C.

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