
for our OpenBSD PXE/autoinstall environment we are using a IPv4 PXE server and a OpenBSD mirror with IPv6 address. Since OpenBSD 7.2 we have an issue with the nameservers during the autoinstall process. (OpenBSD 6.9, 7.0 and 7.1 work fine)

If we start a VM to install OpenBSD 7.2 via PXE it gets an IPv4 address via dhcp, loads the ramdisk bsd.rd and loads the install.conf file successfully. Than it loads the install.conf file, where we define a IPv6 IP, IPv6 Route and IPv6 nameserver server:

Choose your keyboard layout = de
System hostname = test-openbsd-autoinst
Which network interface do you wish to configure = vio0
IPv4 address for vio0 = none
IPv6 address for vio0 = xx:xx:xx:xx:1::aa
IPv6 prefix length for vio0 = 64
Which network interface do you wish to configure = done
Default IPv4 route = none
IPv6 default router = xx:xx:xx:xx::1
DNS domain name = xxx.xxx
DNS nameservers = xx:xx:xx:xx::10
Start sshd(8) by default = yes
Do you expect to run the X Window System = no
Setup a user = no
Allow root ssh login = yes
Password for root account = xxx
Which disk is the root disk = sd0
Use (W)hole disk MBR, whole disk (G)PT, (O)penBSD area or (E)dit = W
Use (A)uto layout, (E)dit auto layout, or create (C)ustom layout = A
URL to autopartitioning template for disklabel = http://[xx:xx:xx:xx::70]/autodisklabel
Location of sets = https
Set name(s) = -all bsd bsd.rd comp*.tgz base*.tgz man*.tgz site*.tgz
HTTP proxy URL = none
HTTP Server = xxx.xxx.xxx
Server directory = OpenBSD/7.1/amd64
Set name(s) = done
Location of sets = done
What timezone are you in = UTC
Exit to (S)hell, (H)alt or (R)eboot = R

Now in OpenBSD 7.2 we are not able to reach our OpenBSD mirror, because the IPv6 nameserver is not added to /etc/resolv.conf, only the IPv4 nameservers.

In OpenBSD release 7.1 and below the IPv6 nameserver from install.conf is added to /etc/resolv.conf and we are able to reach our OpenBSD mirror.

Example OpenBSD 7.1
Extract from the ai.log:
IPv6 default router: xx:xx:xx:xx::1
add net default: gateway xx:xx:xx:xx::1
DNS domain name? (e.g.'example.com') [my.domain] xxx.xxx
DNS nameservers? (IP address list or 'none') [none] xx:xx:xx:xx::10

Password for root account? <provided>

# here the ipv6 nameserver was successfully added
cat /etc/resolv.conf
lookup file bind
nameserver xx:xx:xx:xx::10

Example OpenBSD 7.2
Extract from the ai.log:
IPv6 default router: xx:xx:xx:xx::1
add net default: gateway xx:xx:xx:xx::1
DNS domain name? (e.g.'example.com') [my.domain] xxx.xxx
Using DNS nameservers at yy.yy.yy.1 yy.yy.yy.2  # IPv4 nameservers

Password for root account? <provided>

# here the ipv6 nameserver has not been added and we have the ipv4 nameservers instead:

cat /etc/resolv.conf
nameserver yy.yy.yy.1 # resolvd: vio0
nameserver yy.yy.yy.2 # resolvd: vio0

Now my questions:

Is there a way to force add the IPv6 nameserver from install.conf to /etc/resolv.conf in OpenBSD 7.2 during autoinstall?

Is that a desired behavior in this constellation that the IPv6 name server is not taken over from the install.conf?

Thanks in advance.



Frederik Konietzny (Team ITS)
Phone:+49 40 808077-726 Fax:+49 40 808077556 Mail:koniet...@dfn-cert.de

DFN-CERT Services GmbH, https://www.dfn-cert.de/, Phone  +49 40 808077-555
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