> De: Michal Šmucr <msm...@gmail.com>
> Envoyé: lundi 7th novembre 2022 13:03
> À: misc@openbsd.org
> Sujet: OpenBSD 7.2 on VPS, routing via IPv6 gateway outside of interface 
> prefix
> Hello to all,
> I'm looking for possible opinions or advice regarding IPv6 setup at new VPS.
> Probably the most common approach is a VPS provider gives you /64
> prefix length with gateway within the subnet.
> Works everywhere, it's also the smallest usable prefix length for use
> with SLAAC.
> However in this case, the VPS has /121 prefix length and its gateway
> is outside of the subnet.
> Something like this:
> VPS IP: 2001:db8:efef:aaaa:d9e:18d2:b761:0/121
> GW: 2001:db8:efef::1/48


Could you try with this inet6 conf in your /etc/hostname.vio0 :

inet6  [yourvpsipv6] 121
!route add -inet6 -net 2001:db8:efef::1/128 -cloning -link -iface vio0
!route add -inet6 default 2001:db8:efef::1

Be aware of icmpv6 filtering in your pf.conf.


Eric Jacquot

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