Hello Cristian,

If you put your physical interface into veb(4) and set link1 flag you can
filter dhcp packets.
For more please read man veb
Have a nice weekend.

Best Regards

On Sat, Dec 17, 2022 at 4:40 PM Cristian Danila <clau...@postmail.ro> wrote:

> Thanks for the provided info, now it makes sense about what is happening.
> Any idea about a possible way to control these packets?
> Still investigating but I had still not found yet a way to do it.
> Thank you.
> On Sat, Dec 17, 2022 at 3:11 PM David Gwynne <da...@gwynne.id.au> wrote:
> >
> > dhcpd reads packets off the wire using BPF, which happens as packets
> come off the network interface, but before the IP stack where pf runs.
> >
> > > On 17 Dec 2022, at 22:40, Cristian Danila <clau...@postmail.ro> wrote:
> > >
> > > Good day!
> > > I finished setup an DHCP server and for some reason it seems DHCP
> > > server is ignoring PF filter.
> > > In short, in PF I have active only one rule:
> > > block drop quick all
> > >
> > > Double checked PF and it is enabled
> > > So using a windows machine to test DHCP server:
> > > 1) ifconfig /release
> > > 2) ifconfig /renew
> > >
> > > somehow dhcpd still serves the windows(only when is enabled) and
> > > ignores PF rule.
> > > Could you please help me in telling if dhcpd has some intended logic
> > > to ignore PF or what might
> > > cause this unexpected behavior?
> > >
> > > Kind Regards!
> > >
> >

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